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Solid Online Following

Use great content to build a solid online following

What’s solid online following without great content?

Well, truth is, you trend or become famous for two things – positive or negative. Either way, content is involved. And it has to have some spark to get people noticing or talking.

As a brand, you are after the ‘great’ aspect of the attention-grabbing content. So now I rephrase; what is solid online following for a brand without great content?

It is a great achievement when a brand gets a massive online following. The greater achievement is when majority of your followers buy into your brand. Building a solid online following takes some effort.

It’s all about becoming an influencer in your own unique way. Your followers must continually draw inspiration from your brand.

Besides, you need to be a source of reliable knowledge and information in your industry.

When you design online content with the sole intent of having an impact in people’s lives, you will certainly gain a following.

Here are a few tips gathered from those who’ve done it, that can help you build a steady online following:

Create valuable content

Online followers are looking up to brands to solve specific problems in their lives. Any brand that adds value in the lives of its customers will always have a loyal following.

The content you publish online should be related to your brand. That’s the first step in creating value for your followers.

Give your followers what they are looking for. Anything completely outside of the brand creates the impression of a lack of focus.

You have to stay relevant in the eyes of your followers. Consider your target audience as you design content. Anything you publish must be appropriately packaged for your audience.

This means that from the beginning, you have to be clear about the demographics of your target audience.

Publish content consistently

Having identified your target audience from the start, you need to go where they are. You do not have to be on every available online platform. Work on being active on your chosen online medium.

Vary the kind of content you publish. Use compelling pictures with text descriptions, videos, and podcasts as well as blog posts.

New and exciting content will grow your online following. Consistent content will also see your followers coming along the journey as your brand grows. They will stick with you.

A content creation plan will help you pay the right amount of attention to your content needs. A plan ensures that you do not neglect your online brand.

You purposefully create content that shares your expertise with your followers. And you also sell your products and services.

Be engaging with your followers

Building an online community is about forging relationships with your followers. The good news is that it is becoming easier to learn about your followers’ likes, preferences and attitudes.

There are now social media tools and analytics that show you which content gets the most attention. You can use this information to create more content that your followers find useful and interesting.

Take time to respond to questions and engage in conversations with your online followers. Show your personality, use humor and show your fun side.

Your followers will appreciate that they can relate to you as a friend and not just a brand with no personality.

In parting…

Publishing great content online is about making yourself visible. It is also about creating value for your online followers. They can trust your brand to add some meaning into their lives.

Photo by Victor Rodriguez on Unsplash

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